Two Loves: Back into the Classroom

I always vowed that when I got a blog up and going again- that I would use it to not only showcase our beautiful clients and their sessions and weddings- but I’d also use it as a place for my clients or simply just my fans to get to know me. For those people close to me in real life (not just digitally!)- they know that I tend to be an oversharer, an overthinker, and pretty transparent about what’s going on in my life. Almost to a fault:)

It’s why I wanted to use my blog to share my story about why I am….at age 41 with a booming and incredibly successful self-owned business….returning to the classroom to be a teacher in the midst of the craziness that is COVID and education right now. I don’t hide, and won’t ever hide- my faith. I 15000% believe that GOD HAS A PLAN. And most of my days (when I’m overthinking again)- I remind myself of this fact over and over and over. The story of how I came back to the classroom this year is one that is so exemplary of God’s Plan- that I have to share.

Little backstory here. I wanted to be a teacher from age 4. Seriously. One year for Christmas ( as a kid mind you)- I got a trunk full of….bulletin board borders from the teacher store. I knew I wanted to be with kids and in the classroom from the time I entered school. Granted- I grew up in an education family. My mom was a teacher and I spent many mornings in her classroom before school. I was the kid that LOVED school. I think I’m the nerd that had perfect attendance for my entire school career. School was my favorite place. I went onto the University of Illinois- originally as a early childhood major, then switched to Special Education. I loved it. My first teaching job was at Rantoul City Schools- and those kids stole a huge part of my heart that is absolutely still theirs to this day. Teaching changed me- for all the right reasons. It is (in my opinion) one of the most selfless, compassionate, caring occupations in the world today. Teachers deserve the world, especially in the midst of what they are facing right now.

Jump ahead to when my son (now 12) was born. Right from the start, we knew something was a little off with his health. Long story short- our little guy had a rough first year with a lot of breathing issues, feeding issues, multiple hospitalizations. It was rough. My husband and I made the decision for me to leave the teaching field and stay home with him (and my daughter). That was 12 years ago. 11 years ago- I decided I wanted to take better pictures of my kids- so I had a garage sale and made enough to buy a digital camera. I passed out business cards for my ‘photography business’ (that I didn’t even own a camera yet for!)- at the garage sale, and managed to make enough to buy a camera, a lens, a laptop, and a copy of Photoshop. And I booked 5 sessions, and a month later, my first wedding. The rest, as they say, is history. Just kidding. The rest is a crap-ton of no sleep nights, anxiety attacks, learning as I go, grinding all the time, and for my business. And I don’t regret a minute. I am admittedly SO.DARN.PROUD of where this business has come, and moreso, how I have grown in the process.

As much as I love what I do, there’s always been a part of my heart that missed teaching. That longed to be in a classroom. I always wondered about going back- but honestly never truly had the guts to make the first move. I found myself searching job openings every once in awhile, but never truly making a move.

This past November 2019, I had dropped my son off at a local basketball clinic. I was sitting in the stands watching and saw my daughter’s basketball coach walk in. She was very pregnant, so I decided to go strike up a conversation with her about her upcoming delivery! In that conversation, I asked who was taking her maternity leave. She mentioned that ironically, the person who was supposed to take it had actually declined the job the day before because they had been offered a full-time position elsewhere- so it was now open. huh…that’s funny I just asked that! I asked what she taught and she answered ‘Life Skills Special Education’. huh…that was my major!!! That’s what I taught! That’s my wheelhouse! I asked when her maternity leave was- and she said ‘January through March 13’. huh….my first wedding for 2020 was April 4. I told her I might be interested in that- and I went to the car and called my husband. We decided why not go for it? Not 10 minutes later I ran into the superintendent and mentioned my interest. When I also mentioned that I was certified special ed teacher- I think I made BOTH of our days:). The following Monday, I was hired as a long-term sub. I went about making sure my license was up to date and got ready to teach:)

I subbed in that classroom starting in January. It took all of two days back in the classroom in a teacher capacity with these kids for me to look my husband in the eyes that night and say ‘I’m ready.’ I hope everyone in their life gets to experience a moment when their heart truly ‘fills’. That’s the best way I can describe it. My heart was filling up in places that it had been sitting empty for awhile. Imagine my gratitude when just a few weeks later- a full-time position was posted for the Special Ed department at this school I was subbing at. The school where my daughter goes, and my son will be in two years. I prayed, and I took the leap. I went through resume writing and an interview process when I hadn’t been a part of something like that for 15 years. And the day after my birthday, I found out I got the job.

Two weeks later, the nation shut down for COVID-19. And my wedding calendar and small business started falling apart at the seams. No fault to my clients (I absolutely understand where they are coming from having to reschedule weddings)- but an income that my family depends on was dwindling. It could have been an absolute disaster for our family. But….thankfully, those three months subbing- that made up for my missed spring weddings. And looking ahead, I’ll be receiving a teaching salary again come August. Somehow, through this pandemic that has so drastically affected the industry I’ve built my business on, we’re going to be okay because of teaching.

Over quarantine, my daughter had her first heartbreak. It was awful- I don’t wish it on my worst momma enemy- it’s harder on a mom I swear. But I could absolutely, without a doubt, continue to look her in her heartbroken eyes and tell her that GOD HAS A PLAN. When you don’t even know- He has a plan. I could NEVER have predicted back in November when I decided to go chat with a coach that COVID would happen and in six months my business would be in serious struggle mode. I somehow, after years of contemplating it, decided this was the year to put myself out there and put myself back in the classroom. And now, I am content with knowing that even if my business doesn’t recover from this pandemic (as so many small businesses may not) that my family will be okay. It’s all just so crazy to me. So crazy, and so amazing.

Don’t worry- I have all intents to continue shooting weddings and sessions when I can! It’s also a part of me, like teaching is, and I plan to do both so long as my body and mind allow. I can’t wait to be back in the classroom this year. I’ll be teaching High School Special ed. My classes are Technology and English and Algebra. YEAH for English, God help me with Algebra:) haha! And this hopeless romantic gets to teach Romeo and Juliet so you KNOW I’m all about that:).

I love taking photos. I love even more being a part of people’s days and the relationships I form with my clients. I love education, but I love even more the relationships with my students. Really, these two professions aren’t too much different. And I love them both equally- and plan to be a rock star at both.

As this world continues to spiral in what feels like a god-awful carnival ride, just remember- God has a plan. Maybe you have no idea what’s coming- like I didn’t- but He does, and He has your back. I promise:)

now…prepare yourselves for the blog post circa August 2020 with my super cute bulletin boards because you KNOW that’s coming:) haha:). I AM SO EXCITED:)