To the Class of 2020...

Although we don’t advertise ourselves as a senior photography business- we do shoot a LOT of seniors every year! As with any small business, word of mouth is KEY to growing your clientele! We happen to be pretty involved in our church and the school that is part of our church- so we’ve grown quite a family through it! Many of my seniors I shoot are kids that have gone through school with my own kids, or I’ve been their substitute teacher, or are friends with those kids I know so well. And now that my own daughter is in high school- I don’t forsee the senior side of our business going away anytime soon.

And truth be told- I LOVE shooting seniors. They are so cute. So carefree. So adventurous. Often times this is their first professional photography experience and we have so much fun!! Even the guys have to admit it’s not as bad as they thought it would be! :). I definitely develop a piece of my heart for each senior I shoot. They are all so different with so many different paths ahead of them. Even in the short period of time we spend shooting- I definitely feel like I get to know who they are- and I always hope the best for them. Which is why- in the wake of Coronavirus and all that’s its taken from this class- I am saddened. I feel so.darn.bad for these kids. I work in a high school- and I know that as much as all pretend to loathe it somedays- what we would give right now to be back in those classrooms:(.

We did this shoot for Emma, one of our 2020 seniors. The shoot was supposed to be taken on her high school softball field- celebrating an incredibly successful career she’s had before she goes on to play D1 softball in Chicago. Instead, we did it in her backyard. But- just like so many of the seniors I’ve been able to talk with recently- she’s keeping a good attitude in the present- and a positive outlook to her future.

Congrats Emma- and the rest of the class of 2020. My heart is definitely with you:)